David Loinaz

David Loinaz

Database engineer and Consultant for Accenture Enkitec Group 

David Loinaz is a database engineer with special interest in Internals and High Availability. He enjoys working on problem solving and so was part of the Oracle Support team that manages Database Corruptions. His solid technical background, earned him a multitude of congratulations from the clients he has supported.He worked for Oracle for 16 years and currently works as a consultant for Accenture Enkitec Group.


TOPIC: Database Block Checking - The Unknown Truth  

Database Block Checking - The Unknown Truth  
DBAs are always concerned about the performance impact of parameters like db_block_checksum or db_block_checking. Does it make sense to add an overhead in database block processing when the impact could average 10% and be even higher? In addition, if you have never faced a corruption and you have your disks mirrored and you have a good database backup strategy, why should you need to set these kind of parameters that will impact your performance? Come and see why! Presentation will include.

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